Don’t judge your kids!

Today’s good news was that Fatima is one of the winners of the anti-Bullying Poster competition at her school which I posted earlier. I am glad when my blog touched many of you, Her art did the same but I learnt two lessons.
First is Let the child Left free in his/her creative zone! We actually had an argument about her poster because she was doing it on very low-quality construction paper and as it is for the competition I was insisting that she should do it on proper cardboard or poster board but she was feeling comfortable with colours on that cheap paper and finally, I gave up. In the end, it came out paper doesn’t matter at all what matters the most is work.
The Second one will surely surprise you.l’ve learnt that you cannot judge the abilities of a kid by her/his grades at all yes “At all”. Last month when her first progress report came home it was showing for Arts “progressing with difficulty” which is least in terms of levels.We were completely freaked out as we know her artistic nature very well.I was highly doubted about her teacher’s abilities but then I got to know about that one assignment on the basis of which she was judged, honestly it was poorly done. When I asked her “beta ye kia Hai ?” she replied “actually I wasn’t feeling like doing that so that’s why “, so there came the report and then here comes the competition result totally opposite of each other.
It could be one assessment, a single quiz or a moment not the whole life. Parents are the first teachers and they know the weaknesses and strengths of their kids very well So don’t judge them on the bases of marks & grades, let them shine in their own zone, just encourage & love them.

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